Mood Board
A visual representation of different sources of inspiration for a new offering.
Teams can have multiple mood boards, for example, you might have one from earlier in the Solution Validation phase when the team is looking to collect inspiration for features, another could be a visual representation of the main user persona or a team could have a single board that is focused on the branding and design elements of the venture and its products.
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Building something new often means cobbling together ideas, designs and inspiration from other products, experiences and services. Mood boards capture this in a single place and help create an overarching representation of the feeling of the venture.
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Supplies & Resources
Though Mood Boards are traditionally paper objects that live on corkboards or as posters on your office wall, there are a number of great online tools to create mood boards too. Just be sure to share the boards with your team and give them a central place in your design process so they serve their purpose well. Some online tools include: Pinterest, Adobe Spark, The Mat Board, Canva or Mural.
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