Opportunity Discovery
Before creating a new solution, product, or service you need to find meaningful problems worth solving. These tools will help you evaluate prospective markets, use conversations with target audiences to source problems, and articulate the value propositions of innovation opportunities.
Understand the Market
Market Trends
Secondary research to get an overview of the market of interest by understanding key trends, current offerings, and how customers are currently finding solutions.
Search & Scan
Web searches to get a sense of a market or problem space
Startup Scan
Quick evaluation of startup landscapes and emerging trends
Social Listening
Monitoring social media to understand consumer sentiment and behavior, providing real-time insights into market trends.
Find a Problem Worth Solving
Explore Pain Points
Conversation with potential target customers and business leaders to surface problem spaces worth pursuing.
P.O.E.M.S. Observational Framework
An observational framework to identify specific customer pain points
Problem Identification Interviews
Interviews with key users to understand their experiences and the problem they’re currently facing within the areas of interest.
Shop Along
Tag along as a target customer shops or engages in key activities of interest to understand their experience and behavior.
Narrowing User Scope
Identify suitable participants
Recruiting Target Users
Contacting and scheduling research participants based on predetermined criteria
Find a Problem Worth Solving
Validate The Problem, Early solution testing
Tests to gain a deeper understanding of user problems and identify which are best suited for new solution development
Topic Map Interviews
Gain a more nuanced understanding of a problem through a user guided conversation.
Digital Ads
Targeted ad campaigns to attract potential customers and gauge their interest in your solution.
Interactive Questions
Gather rich and unique input from users by asking them to respond to interactive prompts.
Value Proposition Creation
Articulate Solutions
Methods to ideate and help articulate a solution to a clearly identified user problem
Concept Statements
A concise statement that outlines your solution’s goals, serving as a guide for all future activities.
Value Proposition Creation
Hypothesis Testing
Organization tools to identify and test the critical assumptions in a new solution
Assumption Matrix
List, categorize, and prioritize the assumptions underlying your proposed solution.
Strategyzer Test Card
Define the hypotheses you want to test, as well as how to test them, and measure success.
Priortization Grid
Tool to prioritize features based on their impact and feasibility
Find a Problem Worth Solving
Understand Target Users
Gain a deeper understanding of the current state of your target customer and size of the market opportunity
Detailed customer profiles based on demographic and psychographic data.
Understand the steps a user takes today to solve their problems and how a potential solution may resolve their pain points
Market Sizing
Analyze the size of the market to determine whether it is worth pursuing financially.
Find a Problem Worth Solving
Frame the Problem
Exercises to help you articulate the specific problem area, its specific user and ideate initial solutions
How Might We Ideation
Repositioning the problem in a way that is broad enough to invite creativity yet narrow enough to be solvable.
Use a quick simple question framework to capture what you don’t know about a business challenge.
User/Need/Deeper Need Problem Reframing
Gain a sharper understanding of the problem by identifying the user, their need, and the underlying emotional need.

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