Venture Validation
Solution Validation
Now that you’ve identified a meaningful problem, it’s time to leverage user-centric design to validate a new solution. Tools in this section will help you engage in co-creation with users, build initial prototypes, and gain early feedback. Findings surfaced during solution validation may require that you pivot and go back to the opportunity discovery phase for additional research.
Interactive activities to design a solution in collaboration with the target user.
Card Sort
Focus Groups
Product Sort
Solution exploration interviews
Recruiting Target Users
Solution Outline
Tactics to collate co-creation findings and to help guide the creation of prototypes.
Journey Mapping
Mood Board
Blog Post
Prototype Creation
Gather Early Feedback
Methods to gain feedback on the new offering when its features and structure are still being defined
Online Survey
Landing Page
Brochure or Sales Sheet
Ad Testing
Create Higher-Fidelity Prototypes
Prototypes that more accurately reflect what your solution will look like for detailed user feedback.
Clickable Prototype
Concierge Prototype
Validate with Customers
User feedback methods suitable when the offering’s features and attributes have high degree of detail
Price Testing
Cold Outreach
Usability Testing
Business Case
Outline what your solution is, whats required to get it built and what return on investment may be expected
Lean Canvas
Business Modeling
Prototype Creation
Create Low-Fidelity Prototypes
Demonstrate initial thoughts for a new offering by sketching it out.
Paper Prototype

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